Strong Family,
Strong Nation

Family First NZ has become a household name, advocating for families, and speaking common sense on a broad range of family issues in New Zealand. We believe that strong families and strong marriages are the foundation for a strong nation.

Family First - Strong Families Strong Nation - Mob 2

Strong Family,
Strong Nation

Family First NZ has become a household name, advocating for families, and speaking common sense on a broad range of family issues in New Zealand. We believe that strong families and strong marriages are the foundation for a strong nation.

WokeUp NZ website

MEDIA RELEASE: New website showcases ‘woke’ businesses

A new website has just been launched by Family First NZ. The website documents wokeness in New Zealand-based businesses so that Kiwi consumers can ...
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Family First TV

Currently our main shows are McBlog, StraightTalk, Solid Ground, Political Playback, PulsePoint and Family Matters, but more shows will be added over time. You can watch them on all the main social and digital platforms, and here on the Family First website.

McBlog with Bob McCoskrie

Watch Bob McCoskrie’s ‘bite-sized’ McBlog videos, where he discusses the latest issues to do with media, politics, family issues, gender ideology, and important social debates. Expect Bob to pull no punches as he digs into the issues that matter. Watch McBlog on all the main social and digital platforms. 

McBLOG - NZ media has Trump Derangement Syndrome - A case study

McBlog: NZ media’s Trump Derangement Syndrome – A case study

Trump Derangement Syndrome is defined as a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, ...
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McBLOG - Supreme Court activism is called out

McBlog: Supreme Court’s activism is called out

A new paper released this week and written by the chairman of the think-tank The NZ Initiative, Roger Partridge, argues that the NZ Supreme Court ...
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McBlog - avoiding the media

McBLOG: We’re also AVOIDING the news

More bad news for the news media in New Zealand. We have some of the highest rates of news avoidance in the world. We not ...
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Here’s the latest episode of PulsePoint, our latest Family First programme. As more and more families turn away from mainstream media sites, we want to fill that gap and put the spotlight on the latest news items and research that you need to be aware of – covering politics, family, life issues, faith & religious freedom, both here and overseas. We’ll also check the news that the mainstream media has reported, but which needs to be fact-checked or needs a counter view included to make it more balanced. We’ll cut through the spin and uncover the real issues for families. 

Go to our YouTube channel to watch episodes of PulsePoint. Or checkout Family First TV

‘Family Matters’

with Simon O'Connor, Bob McCoskrie, Ala Pomelile and others.

Family Matters is our in-depth video series where we explore the issues that really matter for kiwi families – parenting, free-speech, marriage, drugs, gender and many more topical issues.

Family Matters - Paivi Rasanen on religious freedom

Family Matters: Paivi Rasanen on religious freedom

An extraordinary interview with a Finnish MP who is being taken to court for simply quoting the Bible. Family First's Simon O'Connor talks with Paivi ...
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FAMILY MATTERS- Andrea Mrozek on Marriage and Family

FAMILY MATTERS: Andrea Mrozek on Marriage and Family

Andrea Mrozek is a Senior Fellow at Cardus, an independent think thank in Canada. She studies the importance of family and marriage, and argues that ...
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Family Matters - John Anderson on where the West is going copy

Family Matters: John Anderson on where the West is going

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia - Hon. John Anderson AO FTSE - joins Simon to discuss why the West has lost confidence in itself, ...
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Latest News & Media Releases

Warnings of Wild West Of Medicinal Cannabis

MEDIA RELEASE: Warnings of Wild West Of Medicinal Cannabis

Family First is calling for caution around the use of medicinal cannabis which, when loosely regulated, can result in mental and behavioural disorders due to ...
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Bill Focusing On Palliative Care Welcomed

MEDIA RELEASE: Bill Focusing On Palliative Care Welcomed

Family First NZ is welcoming the Private Members Bill from NZ First MP Tanya Unkovich - ‘Improving Access to Palliative Care Bill’ – which seeks ...
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gender - weightlifting 1

Crackdown on transgender sports participation in NZ

The Government is demanding a crackdown on how transgender people participate in sports. Sport and Recreation Minister Chris Bishop has asked Sport NZ to review ...
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Potenially Wrongful Deaths

Media Release: Euthanasia’s ‘Safeguards’ Are Failing

Family First is appalled, but not surprised, to read the testimony of two whistleblowers from the End of Life Review committee. Potentially wrongful deaths; incomplete ...
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Trump is set to break the hearts of pro-lifers if elected

Evidence is growing that the 2016 Donald Trump, who so courageously defended the unborn, has now totally flipped the script. With the US election next ...
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student violence in schools

Lockdowns being used as scapegoat for increasing student violence

Statistics obtained by Family First suggests that escalating school student violence should not be solely blamed on the covid-19 lockdowns.
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Latest Research & Surveys

Surrogacy Laws in NZ

Surrogacy Laws in NZ – 2024 update

The new Government has reviewed our surrogacy laws, made some changes as recommended by the Law Commission, and is now seeking public submissions. Family First opposed the ...
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A Review of the End of Life Choice Act survey

A Review of the End of Life Choice Act survey BACKGROUND Almost three years ago, the New Zealand Parliament passed the euphemistically titled – End of Life Choice Act ...
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Opposition To Puberty Blockers and Gender Ideology For Children

SURVEY: Opposition To Puberty Blockers & Gender Ideology For Children

A new poll has found strong support for a ban on puberty blockers, and also a ban on the use of ‘gender affirmation’ chemical & ...
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Key Issues
Facing New Zealand

We believe that strong families are the foundation for a strong nation. There are many issues and events that are destabilising the kiwi family, so we believe these need to be identified and resolved so that our social foundations are strengthened not weakened. Family First is NOT a political party and has no intention to be one. Our role is to be a voice for families in the public domain, and to research and advocate for family and marriage issues. We want to fight for the soul of New Zealand.

Here are some of the core issues facing New Zealand.

Family & Marriage

Family First believes that strong families underpin a strong nation, and that conventional marriage – between a man and woman – is the foundation for a strong family. There is simply no need to re-invent marriage and families in New Zealand. We advocate for families and support the institution of marriage.

Freedom &

Freedom comes in many forms – freedom of speech, freedom of religion, political and civil liberties, parental freedom to do what’s best for their family. Family First will work tirelessly to protect these fundamental freedoms in our society. This includes opposing ‘conversion therapy’ bans and overreaching ‘hate speech’ laws.  

Drugs &

New Zealand is in the midst of a substance misuse epidemic, along with increased mental illness. It’s unsurprising there is a strong correlation between drug use and mental illness, domestic violence, work absenteeism, and other negative outcomes. Family First advocates against drug liberalisation and normalisation.


Many young people today are wondering if they were “born into the wrong body”, and activists are pushing an agenda that “you can choose your gender” and that the body should be remade to conform with feelings. This transgender trend conveys a confusing message to all children. We believe children should be allowed to grow without needing to question the sex they were born as.

Pro Life

We are anti-abortion, but we also love both the mother and her unborn child. We believe every human being, even the child in the womb, has the right to life. The unborn child has a fundamental human right and should be legally protected. A 2019 poll found strong support for the unborn child having human rights and being legally protected once a heartbeat is detected, and only a small minority thinking that life doesn’t begin until the child is born.

End of Life

Euthanasia and assisted suicide put many of us in danger.
Nothing in the new End of Life Choice Act guarantees the protection required for
vulnerable people, including the disabled, elderly, depressed
or anxious, and those who feel themselves to be a burden or
who are under financial pressure. The international evidence backs up these concerns

Schooling & Education

There can be no more important an issue than what is being taught to our children at schools. As our numeracy and literacy standards decline, we’re deeply concerned with increased teaching of highly controversial topics and ideologies such as gender theory and critical race theory. Many parents are simply unaware of what their children are being taught. This should be concerning to all parents and caregivers.

Media &

The proliferation of the internet and digital technology have improved access to information. The media plays an important role, and is supposed to inform and educate people. But often the media are no longer reporting on the key issues, instead they’re promoting a certain opinion or ideology. The media is also supposed to be a watchdog, but maybe we need to be a watchdog on them. 

Porn &

Pornography has a damaging effect on intimacy, love, and respect. Porn can lead to sex role stereotyping, viewing persons as sexual objects, and family breakdown. If we want to tackle sexual violence, we must first investigate the role that pornography plays and the harm that it does to attitudes & actions. Porn is especially harmful to children and teens, who can easily view disturbing material online.

There are many other issues that Family First researches and comments on, including; * prostitution * gambling * screentime * daycare * child abuse * child poverty * imprisonment and law & order * alcohol abuse and the drinking age * importance of mothers and fathers * step-families & family structure * dinner time * and many more…. Check out our Research and Issues page.

Who We Are

It’s 2022, and that means it’s our 16th Birthday! In 2006 we formed Family First New Zealand, as a voice in the public domain – to champion strong and stable families, to promote the institution of marriage, and to protect life from conception through to natural death. We believe strong marriages and connected families lead to a strong nation. Sadly the reverse is true also. Family breakdown leads to significant social cost – both to individuals and to society. Family First advocates for families, and speaks common sense and values on a broad range of family issues. Watch our short video message.

Family First Projects and Websites

These are just some of the projects which Family First is behind. A complete list can be found by visiting our ‘Partner Sites’ page.

You can make a difference

Join the grassroots movement to promote marriage, family and the value of life. Your financial support and membership will help Family First to promote these ideas and policies that have a lasting, positive influence on New Zealand society.

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